Vision, Mission and Objectives
“To become an excellent and leading department in Indonesia educating professional workforce in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Tax Accounting, Auditing and Accounting Information System sectors who are ready to meet expectations of both industries and the community in the global competition by 2024”.
- Administering teaching and learning activities integrating theory and application in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Tax Accounting, Auditing and Accounting Information System
- Executing an effective and efficient higher education management
- Conducting review and accounting training in accordance with the Three Pillars of Higher Education and developing networks, cooperation with industries and sustainable partnerships to respond the global competition;
- Developing the entrepreneurial spirit and professional ethics of students that contribute positively to improving the quality of life.
- Becoming the centre of higher education creating professional workforce in Financial Accounting (Commercial, Public and Shariah Sectors), Management Accounting, Tax Accounting, Auditing and Accounting Information System with entrepreneurial spirit and mastering information technology, international communication and ethics.
- Becoming the productive and ethical agent of development and cultural transformation in facing global competition.
- Organizing quality learning and teaching for undergraduate students in the process through reliable curriculum development, professional lecturers and staff as well as infrastructure that meets educational quality standards.
- Conducting research to develop science and technology that is beneficial to community.
- Conducting community services in order to utilize science and technology in an effort to contribute to the community development.
- Building students character by controlling and developing excellent programs in student affairs.
- Maintaining relationships with customers and the environment to improve customer satisfaction, and
- Carrying out administrative services and higher education services that adhere to principles by using a quality assurance system.